Clear Aligners
Clear Aligners
what's up guys dr. Greg here back with another episode I hope you guys I'm all been having an awesome week if this is
your first time on the channel welcome and please consider hitting the subscribe button with the little bells so you can stay up to date with all my videos today we're going to be talking about is something a little bit different than braces and that's how clear aligners specifically Invisalign work to move your teeth like I said in a previous video which I'm gonna link out over here about things to know before starting the line of therapy, Invisalign is just one typeof a bunch of different clearer aligners there's different things like clear correct sure smile there are new ones from3 ma norm call all these different companies are coming up with ways of moving teeth by using clear aligners but what you guys want to know about andwhat we're going to talk about today ishow we use plastic to move teeth instead of using things like wires and power chains to move those teeth so the fundamental concept of how teeth move are the same and I wanted to detail withit in this video which I'm going to linkout over here but what it is is that here is pressure and a tension that is put on it - and when you put these forces on a tooth it causes tooth movement so to review it briefly when you put force on a tooth what happens is you have pressure on one side of the roof and tension on the other and this causes the bone to disappear on the pressure side and bone to be laid down on thetension side which essentially can causea tooth to move through your bone into anew position with braces and wires theway this is done is that we put abracket on your tooth and all thecourses are delivered to that one partof the bracket which causes the tooth tomove before we go any further alonglet's take a look at one type of clearaligner so this is a close-up look ofwhat a clear alignerlooks like and a clear aligner is basically a sheet of plastic that goesaround your teeth that causes toothmovement they can have a bunch of different shapes over here you can seethat it's not scalloped meaning that thebottom border of it is flat but incertain cases like with Invisalign itsscalloped to follow the gum marginthere's different pros and cons for thiswhich I can also review in a futurevideo what you can see is that there'san intimate contact between the plasticmaterial and the tooth and this is whatallows for the forces to be delivered tothe tooth properly and precisely so thatwe can get theplanned tooth movementthe way these aligners work is that webasically plan how we want your toothmove through a series of movements sodifferent steps along the path fromlet's say point A to point B and let'ssay that that will take five movementsto achieve or five aligners what wewould do on the computer then issimulate each movement of where we wantthe tooth and then use 3d printingtechnology to actually make models ofeach one of these steps then what wewould do is melt down a plastic type ofmaterial onto these models of the teethand create your trays that you wouldreceive so from let's say set up zero toone the plastic would push your toothstep one now from one to two the linerwould push the tooth from where it beingnow to step two and so on and so forthso basically the way these aligners workis by taking individual steps alonganother so let's look at an example ofhow we can move a tooth that's leaningbackwards forward the way we would planis make a series of trays thatwould basically move this one tooth towhat we want it to end up so with wiresand brackets the teeth are constantlybeing controlled by the wire but withthe line is you have the liberty oftaking it in and out so this has prosand cons the pros would be that you cantake out the aligners and clean yourteeth but the cons are if you're notwearing these trays for at least 20 to22 hours a day you're really not gettingthe movement that's gonna be planned solet's say you don't wear your first trayvery well where we predict your tooth tobe at the end of the first stage itwon't be there so when we're trying touse tray - it might not fit properlyandthat's what we call losing tracking wewon't be able to get that perfectadaptation around the toothsince the tray would expect you to to bewhere stage one is but it never made itthere because you didn't wear it enoughin the first aligner how fast you canget from step zero to step one or from one soo really depends on a lot off actors so your orthodontist will letyou know how frequently you've been changed these trays that are personalized to you a lot of people askwell do I need elastics with Invisalign or other clear aligners and it really depends on your treatment theliners are really good at getting your upper and lower teeth straight but just like with braces the core nape out putand lower teeth and get your bite rightin certain cases, we may need to use elastics and I'll expand upon that in afuture video with these clear liners and with braces yes we can get your teeth straight but we always have to bemindful that the teeth are in a stable position within the bone that's why it's always important to be seeing anorthodontist for these treatments so let's go back and talk about those movements that are difficult for aligners to do one of those movements are rotations which is basically having the two to rotate it in the position that it's currently in this is tough for that are very round shaped like the canines because you're not able to get a good grip on the tooth and you're basically trying to spin something but you can't get a good grip on another tough movement is extruding which isbasically pulling teeth away from the gum line this is difficult because like we've said in previous videos the teeth are really slippery so if this plastic can't get a good grip on that tooth it's basically pulling on something that it'snot having a solid grip on so how couldwe make these difficult movements more predictable you guessed it we can use something called attachments which basically serve as handle bars so that these aligners can help guide your teeth along to achieve the movements we'retrying to achieve attachments arebasically little pieces of tooth filling material that we use to place onto thetooth which are usually the same coloras that tooth and they basically serveas a handle bar so that the tooth can bemoved to where we want to move it this is somewhat like the brackets with braces it adds an area where we can holdon and move that tooth so I hope that answered some of your questions on how to move with Invisalign and aligners there's a lot more complexity to thisand I can make a lot of videos describing more about clear aligners butfor now please leave your questions in the comments below if you enjoy this post make sure to give it a thumbs up and I will catch next time on this blog for now days
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